What is UPCS-V?
Updated 5/28/19
UPCS-V (the V stands for Voucher) is a proposed inspection protocol that would replace Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspections in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program. UPCS-V introduces new measures to enhance the consistency of the inspection process and will reflect current advances in home inspections.
The primary goals of the new protocol are to:
- Ensure the health and safety of tenants.
- Align standards more closely with other HUD programs.
- Provide insight to the condition of assisted housing.
- Enhance HUD’s oversight abilities.
What are some of the differences?
There are three primary primary differences between HQS and UPCS-V.
- Instead of a static checklist to make pass/fail determinations, inspectors will use a new system to record deficiencies (L1, L2, L3) and critical deficiencies may be further classified as life threatening (LT) and emergency (E).
- Inspectors will be required to use an electronic handheld device capable of photographs along with HUD standardized UPCS-V software.
- Integration of an IT system to provide real time data recording of inspection findings and photographs, along with a data exchange network for inspection data (the inspections will have to be uploaded to HUD).
It is estimated that 30,000 inspectors perform over three million HQS inspections per year! All these inspectors will require training on the new protocol.
When will UPCS-V become effective?
On May 28, 2019 HUD announced the postponement of UPCS-V. This includes a two-year extension of the UPCS-V demonstration program.
However, recent proposed changes to the UPCS protocol currently used by REAC inspectors has affected that timeline. HUD plans to overhaul UPCS with a new protocol called NSPIRE (National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate).
Now HUD plans to make NSPIRE the protocol for public housing, multifamily programs, and housing choice vouchers (HCV).
How can I learn the UPCS-V protocol?
It remains to be seen how NSPIRE will affect the implementation of UPCS-V. UPCS-V was in the works for several years.
Prior to the postponement, UPCS Inspectors LLC had reviewed the latest draft protocol (Protocol Beta) which shared a lot of similarities with the current UPCS protocol. However, there were various differences that distinguished the protocol from current UPCS and HQS practices.
In addition, UPCS Inspectors LLC owner Alejandro Dominguez volunteered for HUD-ISDV to help REAC develop their on-line training. He attended multiple meetings at REAC’s offices in Washington DC to stay up to date with the latest changes.
Currently HUD indicates that NSPIRE will be the protocol for all programs, which has caused us to pause any current plans for UPCS-V courses.
The final line is that HQS (Housing Quality Standards) will continue to be the protocol used for Section 8 HCV inspections for the foreseeable future. However, changes are definitely coming to all the inspection protocols over the next two years.
The latest in proposed changes will be included in future UCPS training and speaking engagements. Please contact us if you have any questions.